The State University of Moldova and LuRenOm expand collaboration for innovative projects and sustainable practices
USM and the Arboretum.Live platform have signed a set of annexes to enhance their partnership, launching three new projects focused on technology transfer, education, research, and environmental protection, contributing to sustainable development and ecosystem rehabilitation.
The Wood Market in the Republic of Moldova: Conclusions and Critical Questions
A recent study on the wood market in Moldova reveals critical issues, including overexploitation, lack of traceability systems, and conflicts of interest. Urgent actions are needed to ensure transparency, sustainability, and better forest management practices.
After Us, the Flood - "No Ties" [VIDEO]
At the invitation of Alexandr Stakhursky, we discussed the causes and consequences of soil erosion in Moldova, as well as methods for its prevention...
Soil Erosion in Moldova - Highly Underestimated Consequences [VIDEO] [VIDEO]
We encourage you to share this short material, created based on the events of September 14-15, 2024 (Cyclone Boris), in order to raise public awareness of the importance of soil protection!
Introduction in Agro-Landscapes - Practical Seminar
Permaculture, Geoplastics, Agroforestry - Practical Cases, Questions & Answers
Report on the survival rate of seedlings from Vărzărești after this year's drought
Planting Trees Arroung the Springs - 7th Edition, Varzarești Nisporeni
We invite you to join the pre-planting and planting activities on Thursday 09 March 8:00 - 15:00 and Saturday 11 March 10:00 - 17:00
We will plant saplings of Sofora Japonica, Ash, Linden, Evodia, Willow, Oak and Walnut
Location: Vărzărești commune, Nisporeni district,