Introduction in Agro-Landscapes - Practical Seminar

Although agroforestry systems and permaculture are relatively unknown terms in Moldova, the necessity of implementing these management methods is driven by the dynamics of climate change, the intensification and prolongation of drought periods, the goals of producing organic products, and the development of agritourism...
We have invited a renowned expert from Belarus to conduct a one-day seminar on the announced topics. Artyom Kulpin has extensive experience in designing, creating, and maintaining agroforestry and permaculture landscapes in various countries and very diverse climatic zones. He started his journey in this field 20 years ago, spending 2 years as a personal student of one of the founders of permaculture - Sepp Holzer (Austria), studying his farm and actively participating in Sepp's projects in several European countries.
Today, Artyom has dozens of projects behind him where he has fulfilled key roles as an expert, designer, and executor...
The seminar will be of interest to a wide audience: organic farmers, city dwellers planning to move to the countryside, architects, landscape designers, landowners, agronomists, developers, gardeners... We are preparing a rich program illustrated with practical examples of concrete cases, photos, and drawings of the completed projects, including from Moldova.
The principles of building sustainable agro-landscape systems are applicable to both large projects of tens and hundreds of hectares and small private garden plots.
Permaculture and geoplastics allow the integration of lands with difficult and historically problematic terrain into the production cycle: slopes, ravines, quarries... transforming them into flourishing gardens and fragrant spaces.
The topic of agroforestry systems is already on the agenda of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment, as these have been implemented for a long time in developed countries and arid climates, demonstrating excellent results. Work is underway on subsidy mechanisms for the creation of sustainable agro-landscape systems.
Each participant will have the opportunity to ask the speaker questions and will receive answers within the event's format. We encourage you to discuss specific situations you are facing and illustrate with photo-video materials, maps.
Date: August 6, 2024, starting at 10:00, duration 4 hours with a coffee break
Language: Russian
Location: Moldova State University, Faculty of Biology and Geosciences
Pre-registration via link:
Participation conditions - contribution for event organization - 200 lei
Students, pupils, and pensioners contribute 50% of the fee
For collaborators, faculty, and students of USM and UTM - free entry.
If you need translation from Russian, please indicate as early as possible. If a number of interested people is gathered, we will make the necessary organizational effort.
Shares are more than welcome!
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