The State University of Moldova and LuRenOm expand collaboration for innovative projects and sustainable practices
USM and the Arboretum.Live platform have signed a set of annexes to enhance their partnership, launching three new projects focused on technology transfer, education, research, and environmental protection, contributing to sustainable development and ecosystem rehabilitation.
After Us, the Flood - "No Ties" [VIDEO]
At the invitation of Alexandr Stakhursky, we discussed the causes and consequences of soil erosion in Moldova, as well as methods for its prevention...
Soil Erosion in Moldova - Highly Underestimated Consequences [VIDEO] [VIDEO]
We encourage you to share this short material, created based on the events of September 14-15, 2024 (Cyclone Boris), in order to raise public awareness of the importance of soil protection!
Introduction in Agro-Landscapes - Practical Seminar
Permaculture, Geoplastics, Agroforestry - Practical Cases, Questions & Answers
4 Item(s)
- Sustenabilitate
- Biodiversitate
- Устойчивость
- БиоРазнообразие
- Герои Нашей Земли
- Voluntariat
- Înverzire
- Parteneriate
- Волонтёрство
- Озеленение
- Партнёрства
- Volunteering
- Greening
- Partnerships
- Bees
- Honey
- Лесо-Восстановление
- Reîmpădurire
- Activism
- Активизм
- Водо-Охранные Зоны
- Volunteers
- WaterProtection Foresting
- ReForesting
- Sustenability
- Activism
- Guvernare Verde
- Зелёная Молдова
- Государство
- GreenGovernment
- Lapusna1
- PomiFructiferi
- Сбор и Хранение Семян
- Green Economy
- Agricultura Organica
- Biodinamica
- Органическое С/Х
- Биодинамика
- Protecția Solurilor
- Пчёлы
- Питомниководство
- Albini
- MicroPepiniere
- Мёд
- ParcuriUrbane
- Agroforestry
- Păduri VAS
- Cultura
- Агролесоводство
- Микропитомники
- Pepiniere
- EducațieVerde
- ЗелёноеОбразование
- GreenEducation
- Material Săditor
- Cultura Containerizată
- Closed Root System Saplings
- Закрытая Корневая Система
- Пермакультура
- Геопластика
- Permacultura
- AgroForestiere
- Permaculture
- Geoplastica
- Researches
- Cercetare