Soil Erosion in Moldova - Highly Underestimated Consequences [VIDEO] [VIDEO]

Soil Erosion in Moldova - Highly Underestimated Consequences [VIDEO] [VIDEO]

In order to influence these catastrophic and long-term processes, we must first of all be aware of them, understand this loss and the real scale of the damage.

We encourage you to distribute this short material, created based on the events of September 14-15, 2024 (cyclone "Boris"), in order to raise public awareness of the importance of soil protection!

Only when people truly realize and understand the true value of these losses, only when every person demands that politicians at all levels react and adapt landscapes to these risks, then something will begin to change...

At the level of soil protection - we are on the verge of bankruptcy. We live in PARADISE, but we mock it! Descendants will not forgive us for the indifference and stupidity of today.

The biggest tragedy is happening these days in the fields of Moldova! And, unfortunately, the least understood...

This is called WATER SOIL EROSION. In the absence of protective forest belts, conservative farming methods, and other necessary measures, powerful streams of water wash away thousands of tons of fertile soil - pure black soil - from the plowed land!

The soil is washed away first into the lowlands, then into the rivers, the channels of which become clogged and they overflow their banks, flooding our villages, and then the water carries the washed away soil into the sea!

Modern science still considers soil a miracle! 1 cubic centimeter of living soil contains billions of living microorganisms, 95 percent of which have not yet been studied by science and have not even been named! Not to mention a deep understanding of the relationship between them...

Analyzing the possibility of traveling to nearby planets, NASA scientists came to the conclusion that FERTILE SOIL is the most expensive and difficult product to produce on planet Earth! And the production of soil outside the Planet is generally not yet possible... We, good people, mock the Moldovan lands, one of the most fertile in the World - in the most barbaric way!

A house can be built in a year or two, roads can be repaired... But Nature spends hundreds of years on the increase of one centimeter of fertility!...

Through our modern model of agriculture, we, like this, ineptly squander the unique heritage that Mother Nature has endowed us with!... Before our eyes, the process of desertification is rapidly unfolding, with a complete lack of understanding of the essence of what is happening and indifference on our part!

Yes, you can say: "What is this natural disaster, and it does not happen every day!" And it is! But the insidiousness of erosion processes is that they occur all year round, 24 hours a day! Almost unnoticeably, until the plowed soil is protected... According to very preliminary estimates, every year, our country loses about 20 million tons of fertile soil! In terms of money - this is billions of dollars and euros! Every year!

And this is not just money that leaves the pocket of each of us. This is a resource that we are depriving future generations!

Even 30-50 years ago, climatologists predicted that in the process of climate change, our region will receive more precipitation, but its nature will change towards showers and storms - like in the subtropics. And now, you and I are already watching these storms live! Who prevented us, our farmers and our management from taking these forecasts into account, taking the risks seriously, and preparing accordingly? Make a transition to conservative farming, restore lost and additional forest belts, carry out other anti-erosion measures?...

The reserve of the fertile layer is not bottomless! Just look at the satellite images around your village or city, and you will see many bright spots on the fields. In these places, the fertility has already ended...

If we do not recognize these processes and do not start changing anything now, there is a great risk that our children and grandchildren will be forced to look for a piece of bread in other, "more favorable" regions. In those regions, whose leadership, having much less fertile soils than ours, is now working systematically to preserve fertility, and not just to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters...

We urge you to think about this information, leave your response in the comments, pass it on to other thinking people who are able to understand the cause-and-effect relationships and the seriousness of what is actually happening.

The footage was taken by travelers in the fields of the Levskoi district, Republic of Moldova, during heavy rains on September 14, 2024. Meteorologists warn that tomorrow brings even more precipitation, but already for the eastern regions of the country... take care of yourself and your loved ones! Let's use this pause to think carefully, understand the depth of the consequences, learn, learn and respect the Laws of Nature!

In the comments under this material, we will put several solutions for sustainable and nature-friendly land use, for the preservation of agro-landscapes. We call on all farmers, landowners, mayors to familiarize themselves with them... Forward them this video.

May God help us all overcome the darkness of ignorance and indifference and turn to face our greatest wealth - our soils!