Techical Support from AUTODESK Corporation
AUTODESK is a recognized world leader in the development of software products dedicated to digital design, product modeling and landscape planning.
From this moment, the ARBORETUM.LIVE platform completed the application process and became a full beneficiary of the technical support offered by AUTODESK. It consists of digital subscriptions to the latest versions of AutoCAD, Inventor, Product Design, etc. products.
Support is most welcome for the development of new mechanisms for automating planting process, designing production and educational nurseries and digitizing the process. Now, the ARBORETUM team and volunteers will use modern digital products to solve the tasks we have set ourselves - afforestation and greening of Moldova in the most efficient way!
Thus, ATODESK joins Microsoft, Salesforce and Bitdefender, which already support the ARBORETUM.LIVE platform through its products and services. We greatly appreciate this support and the openness of software devotees through the support provided!
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